The Rabari tribe, one of the oldest and most traditional communities in India. For centuries, the Rabari people have lived a semi-nomadic life, following their herds of cattle and camels across the harsh desert landscapes of Rajasthan and Gujarat. But in recent years, their way of life has been challenged by a rapidly changing world. Through insightful interviews, we witness the challenges of adapting to modernity while maintaining centuries-old cultural practices. We delve into topics such as the impact of climate change, urbanization, and globalization on their livelihoods. We also highlight the Rabari people's remarkable resilience and creativity as they find innovative ways to adapt to changing times while holding onto their traditions. From exploring new income sources to preserving their handicrafts, the Rabari tribe's story is a fascinating insight into the complex dynamics of change in the modern world. 
Rushi Godhani 
Aishani Anmi 
Nishi Dave 
Riyanshi Hariyani 
Spriha Ghiya 

Special Thanks To the people of Khoraj Gam 
Location Khoraj Gam, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 
Guided by Prof. Arati Desai Prof. Sushil Yati 
Done for the course work of Communication theory II at Institute of Design, Nirma University 
March 2023
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